题目 Check in time change and wow pass payment
作者Cheung Wing Sum   书写日期2023-03-14 浏览数162
以下有2個問題/ 通知想說的:
1. 我的航班時間有改動, 要晚上7點左右到達mom house, 想通知你們一聲
2. 付款上使用信用卡會收取3%手續費, 想問如果我使用的是wow pass 也要收取手續費嗎?

I will have 2 questions/ notices below:
1. Our flight scheduled is changed, so we would arrived at around 7 pm, just want to let you know cause I said we will arrived at 3-4 pm
2. I saw that there will be 3% charge if we use credit card as payment method. I would like to ask is that same as wow pass?